Friday, February 19, 2010

Who Runs The Republican Party Of Florida? Who Cares?

Monday, January 25, 2010 at 5:17pm | Edit Note | Delete
Chairman Jim Greer has resigned 'for the good of the Party' which is what every scoundrel says when they are forced out. Now party stalwarts get to choose between Sharon Day and John Thrasher.

Mr. Thrasher, a principle partner in Florida's biggest lobbying firm, is the odds on favorite. Ms. Day is a long time party insider and is viewed as the consensus choice among party officers.

The obvious question is: Why aren't registered Republicans able to cast a vote? After all, with daily headlines of corruption and RINOism run amok, you'd think the grassroots' concerns should be heard!

But an election to lead the Republican Party of Florida? By the rank and file members? That sounds like a democracy!

But of course the real problem is easily discerned.

The RPOF is having so many problems because it long ago lost touch with membership. It is run by an extremely small clique, who's number one goal is to stay in power.

They keep electing and reelecting their own and feign regret that more people don't get involved.

Never mind that county level meetings are rarely publicized. And should some outsider decide to come, they are bored to death with inactivity.

Even now the hoopla is dying down. As one party bureaucrat leaves, another is ready to take their place.

The bright spot is that voters are so enraged at the socialist agenda of Obama, that they are eager to mark the 'R' candidate just for some relief.

Or as one pundit said, 'the Democrat party has invigorated the Republican base.' Meaning not so much that Republicans have brought forth new ideas, but rather the Democrats have alienated a majority of Americans.

Nick Egoroff

Administrator: Restore The Republican Party Of Florida

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