Friday, February 19, 2010

Florida State Sovereignty Is On The March!

Friday, October 9, 2009 at 3:20pm | Edit Note | Delete
What satisfaction we can all take in seeing such great support for Florida State Sovereignty. So many of us have forwarded and emailed friends to join this great project. Keep it up! Use the INVITE FRIENDS button on the site.

But we must understand that the position we are taking runs counter to the powers that be. They would like nothing more than to keep 'everything as it is.' Unfortunately this is becoming impossible with the economy and the resentment of citizens towards Washington's abuses.

We must hold ever more vigilant to the Constitution. We must also realize that politicians and bureaucrats (even at the state level) will find ways to slow the implementation of the 10th Amendment. Do not listen to them. We have had a CENTURY of growing big government. Now is the time for people to rise up and say enough!

Let me say it again. Do Not Trust Politicians further than you can keep a watchful eye on them. Independent groups like this are the best way to advance our cause.

I have also started two other groups that merit your interest.

Florida Grassroots Candidate and Activist Page

GOOOH (Get Out Of Our House) Florida Chapter/ US Congress

Finally, we also have a registered PAC set up. Your contributions are needed to fund our effort in the Tallahassee Legislature. Please give!

Nick Egoroff
Administrator Florida State Sovereignty

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