Friday, February 19, 2010

Republican Party Of Florida: Of The Lobbyists, By The Lobbyists, and For The Lobbyists!

Wednesday, January 6, 2010 at 8:46pm | Edit Note | Delete
Like the old saying goes, 'You can tell a lot about a person by the company that they keep.' The RPOF likes to keep very expensive company.

That's why they love lobbyists so much. They're the only ones that can pay the bills.

First their was current (soon to be ex) Chairman Jim Greer. Though not technically registered as a lobbyist, he knew every corporate telephone number in Florida. And he could both raise and spend LOTS of money.

Then Gov. Crist (no slouch when greenbacks were involved) appointed his number one lobbyist friend George LeMieux as interim US Senator. Wow, a very expensive lobbyist representing Floridians under the big D.C. dome.

Now we are going to be treated to yet ANOTHER lobbyist representing the corporate, er, people's interests. His name is John Thrasher and he heads the richest and most expensive lobbying firm in Florida.

He recently bought, er, won a special election to the Florida State Senate. In addition he'll now be the state chairman of the Florida Republican party.

Such a deal!

Since the Florida Senate only meets for three months out of the year, now he'll have something to do with the other nine! The opportunities to shake the money trees will only be limited by John-John's ingenuity.

Listen up folks. A lot of us Republicans continue with these quaint ideas of 'taking over the Republican Party.' The sad truth is that we both came late to the ball AND inappropriately dressed.

The party bureaucrats have no intention of allowing us conservative activists into this celebration of wealth and power.

But take heart. We have a brand new party that is for those that care more about principle then alphabet letters.

Please tell your friends to check out the website at and our social site at

Nick Egoroff
Communications Director
Florida TEA Party

P.S. Please forward this to your friends!

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