Saturday, May 24, 2008

Five Day Ticking Time-Bomb Placed On OCREC Chairman Lew Oliver's Doorstep

Group Organizer
Orlando, FL

I received notice yesterday that my lawyer, Fred O'Neal served notice to Lew Oliver that he had five days to recant his libelous statements about me.

Nick Egoroff
Orlando Ron Paul Meetup Organizer

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Frederic B. O'Neal, Attorney at Law
(address removed for privacy)

Date: May 19, 2008
To: Lew Oliver, c/o Gary Pfister, Esq.
From: Fred O'Neal
Re: erroneous comments about Nicholas Egoroff in 4/25/08 email
Enclosures: email, dated 4/25/08, from you to members of the Orange County Republican Executive Committee

Dear Mr. Oliver:

Pursuant to Section 770.01 (Notice condition precedent to action or prosecution for libel or slander), Florida Statutes, you are hereby notified of the article and statements contained therein which my client, Nicholas Egoroff, alleges to be false and defamatory.

Specifically, in an email, dated April 25, 2008, from you to members of the Orange County Republican Executive Committee you falsely attributed the following statements to my client:

- ?Attention all HIPPIES, PEACENIKS, peaceniks, and all who find the USA Patriot Act to be an ABOMINATION: It?s time to register Republican!?
- ?There are OTHER PLACES to say what WE REALLY THINK, such as RLC meetings (Republican Liberty Council)? Not at REC meetings.?
- ?The party is ripe for a hostile takeover.?

Please govern yourself accordingly.

Additionally, please be aware that Section 836.01 (?Punishment for libel?), Florida Statutes, makes the publication of a libel a criminal offense in the State of Florida.


Frederic B. O'Neal, Esq.

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