Sunday, December 14, 2008

Florida Manifesto!

As many of you know we here in Orange County have been trying to find a way to be effective in the political process. Right now we are engaged in battle to oust liberal Chairman Lew Oliver and his cronies from controlling the Orange County Republican Executive Committee (OCREC). We lost the first round 122-121. We will continue the battle with round two.

We are sending a separate petition to those of you that were elected to OCREC for the new 2008-2010 term. It outlines the procedure to have a SPECIAL OCREC meeting to redo the election. But what about the rest of you? What can you do?

First let me give you the bad news. American politics is built on a two party system. Continually I watch the actual voter statistics. The Libertarian, Constitutional, Greens, and everyone else put together in 2008 garnered less than one and a half percent of the vote totals. For many reasons, Americans will not vote in any third party candidates. Not in 2008 and any other election of recent memory.

If we want to have an impact on returning the country, state, and local elections to any sort of constitutional form of government, we're going to have to work within the two party conscript. Third parties are not a viable option for the foreseeable future.

Now for the good news that you can really use. The Republican Party used to be the party of smaller government and personal liberty. Now after losing a landslide election on the national level the party is undergoing a reevaluation. Several factions a vying for the right to speak for the Party. We can be one of those factions.

Here in Orange County we can have real influence on the outcome. While our members seek to invalidate the recent election of Oliver, we need ALL of you to make a point of attending the January 8th OCREC meeting at 7pm at the Mark Street Senior Center. We'll need you to attend 3 consecutive monthly meetings, but in return you will have the opportunity to become voting members of OCREC.

Many people ask me why go through all the hassle to just join a group that has been so hostile to us? Answer: Because there is nothing else that we can do that will yield such a big return.

Emails to friends, sign waves, letters to the editors are great. But they pale compared to the effect of having a local Party that can build a true grassroots machine, that can send out press releases, and help Constitutional candidates get elected. All it takes is committing to attending meetings on the first Thursday of each month. Ninety minutes a month gains you access to the levers of power.

Please see the calendar at to RSVP.

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