Friday, February 19, 2010

Stand Up And Cheer For Florida State Sovereignty

Monday, September 21, 2009 at 8:51pm | Edit Note | Delete
No we haven't signed it into Florida's law books yet. But in just FOUR short months we have gained over 1725 members for State Sovereignty For Florida: Restore The 10th Amendment!
and 1026 supporters at Florida State Sovereignty Movement

What this is telling me is that Florida is absolutely behind restoring the 10th Amendment. Once voters are made aware of the freedom that is restored by state sovereignty, they naturally gravitate towards it. Democrat, Republican, and independents all recognize that government should be as close to home as is possible.

Even in this day of jets and instant communication there is nothing like getting eyeball to eyeball with your elected officials. And this will only happen when the relatively few elected bureaucrats in Washington, D.C. are supplanted by the 100's of elected officials in Tallahassee.

Will Florida State Sovereignty be the silver bullet that changes everything and makes government of the people, by the people, and for the people? Not exactly. But we are proving that through Tea Party's and grassroots activism that America and Florida in particular are not satisfied with politics as usual.

Please forward this email far and wide. Our effect is more awesome than we could ever imagine.

Nick Egoroff
Cause Creator

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